Small Groups
In world that is increasingly isolated, belonging to a community that loves each other and shares life together is more important than ever.
And there’s lots of opportunity here for you to find a community to belong to!
Bible studies
Part of what we do here at Clarence South is to take the Bible seriously. We value gathering together to study God’s word, and to encourage each other with the truth that God has given us.
We also value questions, and take seriously the concerns of those investigating Christianity. Anyone is welcome to our bible studies, bring along your difficult questions, we believe there are good answers to be heard.
Missional Communities
We want to be intentionally outward focused in our communities, not just focused on ourselves. Therefore, we want to be on mission as a community; to love and serve those around us, to welcome people in to our community.
We have also seen the value of investing our lives with each other, spending time together to build a true community that love and care for each other.
We have 2 missional communities during the week; Tuesday night and Thursday night. All welcome; contact us if you’d like to come along!
Prayer meetings
We also love to pray together; whether at bible studies or in prayer meetings. God welcomes us to come to Him in prayer and assures us that He hears our prayer and responds.
If you’d like prayer for anything you’re going through, come along to our groups, we’d be very happy to pray with you.
There is a regular prayer group- every Saturday morning from 9.00am to 10.00am.