Upcoming Events

Easter Sunday
Join us in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and his victory over the grave. Two services, 8:30 and 10:30, with a kids program at the 10:30 service.

Good Friday
Come join us for our Good Friday service, where we remember and lament the death of Jesus, but also give thanks for the salvation he won at the cross. All welcome!

Maundy Thursday
Join us for our Maundy Thursday service. This will include a meal that we share around tables in the church, as we hear the story of Jesus’ last night with his disciples.
Cost: $10 donation

Chinese New Year
Join us to celebrate Chinese New Year! Our celebration this year will include a Chinese Potluck meal and karaoke!
Come along after our 10.30 RENEW service- all welcome!

Community Lunch
Why not join us for lunch?! We eat together once a month after the RENEW service. Our regular members bring food to share- we love to welcome new faces.

Christmas Services
Christmas at Clarence South:
We have a variety of services over Christmas
24th Dec
8:30am Christmas Eve
4pm Nativity Families Service
11pm Midnight Service
25th Dec
9am Christmas Day
All welcome to join us!