Kids and Youth
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matt 19:14
We value our young people,
and aim to love and care for them,
so that they can have a safe space to learn about God and explore faith.
Kids church
Every Sunday, we run a kids church for primary aged children during the service, lead by our childsafe accredited volunteers.
For families with babies and toddlers, we have a creche room where parents can watch their kids while still listening in on the service if needed.
Kids Club
On Tuesday afternoons, we run a kids club for primary age kids. We share afternoon tea together, play games, and have fun while our young ones learn about the love that Jesus has for them!
There’s also a group that runs at the same time for parents to study the bible, form friendships and share life together. If your family or kids are interested, come along and check us out!
4:45-6pm Tuesday afternoons, at Clarence South Anglican church.
This is for mums and dads, grandparents and carers, to bring along pre-school kids. The toddlers have a great time playing games, having fun, singing songs and dancing, all the while learning through sensory play and social interactions.
It’s also a great place for parents/carers to meet people in similar place to them, to share in the joys (and frustrations) of raising children in this phase of life.
This runs every Wednesday of the school term, 9:30-11:30am @ Clarence South Anglican.
Young Adults
Being a young adult is often a time of exploring; exploring identity, relationships, future direction in life, where to live and work. But it’s also a time of exploring faith, and where God fits in with all the rest.
We love walking with young people through these questions, helping them to know who God is and how that impacts our identity and life direction.
We also love just having fun with our young people, and enjoying healthy community life with them.
Part of our desire to be a church for Clarence South is expressed through our mentorship program. We have a number of people going into a local school to mentor a young person. The aim is to be a positive, encouraging presence in these kids lives, especially when they are facing big things.