Who Are We?

Announcing our new senior minister!
Michael Hemans will take on the role as priest in charge in November 2024.
Induction service is on Thursday 28 November at 7.30pm.
Please join us as we celebrate and pray for Michael’s gospel leadership.
Clarence South is a Gospel Centred Church community based 10 minutes from Hobart, on the Eastern side of the Tasman Bridge.
We truly believe that the Gospel has the power to transform lives, communities and the world. We are honoured to serve God and the broader community around us, as we participate in God’s plan to restore and unite all things, in heaven and on earth, under Christ.
Our Vision:
To be a Church for Clarence South,
Making Disciples of Jesus.
Our Mission:
Loving God, His Church and our neighbour, by knowing Jesus and making Him known
through word, prayer and deed.
Our Values:
The Gospel is the center of our ministry, and everything we do must find its root in the Gospel. The Gospel applied to our lives and the lives of others will bring true renewal and restoration.
We want to be a true community, loving and serving one another, encouraging one another, and spurring one another on to love and good deeds. At the same time, we want to be an outward looking community, recognizing that we are not here for ourselves, but are on a mission to bring the gospel to the world.
We want to see the Gospel renew and change Clarence South. This involves discipling God’s people to live out the implications of the Gospel in every sphere of life. This includes doing social justice, integrating our faith and work, and working with other churches and organizations. Our goal is to see the saturation of the Gospel in our communities, with the community renewed culturally, socially and spiritually for the glory of God.
We believe that prayer is a valuable gift God has given us which allows us to bring our needs and concerns to God. And we have great confidence through the gospel that God hears our prayers and responds to us. We seek to discern God’s will in all we do and believe prayer is foundational in directing our ministry plans.
We are not satisfied with a simple understanding of God. We want to pursue a deep and spirit filled understanding of who God is through the Bible. We seek to find meaning and satisfaction in God.
Staff Team
Elizabeth Poland
Assistant Minister/Operations Manager
Elizabeth has served in many various ministry contexts, and uses this experience to help Clarence South run smoothly!
Elizabeth is particularly involved in the Traditional Service and running pastoral care for our community. -
Michael Hemans
Assistant Minister
Michael is married to Mel, and has two children Calvin and Charlotte. Their family is loving being part of the community at Clarence South, seeing people of all ages growing in their faith.
Michael is particularly involved in leading Renew, engaging in community life, teaching and discipleship.
Linda Chau
Assistant Minister
Linda has been involved in running Chinese ministry in Hobart over many years, and is keen to see people from different cultural backgrounds come to know and follow Jesus.
Linda is particularly involved in Renew, helping to run multicultural ministry, involving discipleship, hospitality and evangelism.
Senior Minister
Senior Minister - Currently the parish is going through the process of finding a new senior minister at Clarence South Anglican.