Is Jesus just a ‘self- help’ guide?
Not many of us would be comfortable having everyone know our weak spots- our tendencies to sin- or dare I say, our vices.
We tend to want to only show our good side- to cover over or mask the inner tendency to sin. When we operate like this we have reduced Jesus to being our self-help guide and Christianity a self-help option amongst the many that flood our book stores and Instagram feeds!
We need more than help! We need a hero- a Saviour. And we definitely need to see that we CAN’T be the hero of our own story.
That’s what Moses and the Exodus teaches us.
We need Jesus- who had nothing to hide from His Father.
Jesus- who on a human level didn’t look like hero-material.
What sort of hero dies a criminal’s death?!
But it is only in recognising that we CAN’T save ourselves- that we bring nothing to God- that we can come to God, belong to Him and in losing ourselves- find salvation.