Loving God’s word

Loving God by loving His Word

The Psalmist says:

I rejoice in following your statutes

as one rejoices in great riches ... I delight in your decrees;

I will not neglect your word.

(Psalm 119:14,16)

Statutes and decrees are just ways of talking about God’s word- that He gives us truth to live by. The psalmist’s reflection is that God’s word guides us, protects us, strengthens us, gives us truth, helps us to live in obedience.

So he delights in God’s word, more than all riches. He decides to meditate on the word, to memorise it, to follow it. That he will not neglect it.

So: how’s your own love of the Bible going? Are we delighting, reading, memorising it, or are we neglecting it? Let’s not starve ourselves spiritually, but daily feed ourselves by opening up God’s word.


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