Someone better than Moses
At Clarence South Anglican we are into preaching!
Expository preaching.
In a nutshell this means that our sermons are structured around what the Bible says! (it almost sounds too obvious!) We seek to expose scriptural truths and show (expose) how the text we are looking at fits in the whole narrative of the Bible’s storyline pointing us to a deeper understanding of Jesus!
This week we finish our series on Exodus.
Along the way, we have looked at Moses.
Deuteronomy captures how great Moses was: ‘Since then no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses whom the LORD knew face to face’ (Deut 34:10). Moses is great and yet Exodus ends with an anticlimax- we want more!
But we need to read it in light of the WHOLE Bible!
You can read what happens next in Numbers and Deuteronomy- and piece together the details of the 40 years in the wilderness and the sad reality that a whole generation was prevented from entering the promised land.
It’s breathtaking- to have been rescued from slavery in Egypt and then not enter the promised rest.
The failure of Moses and the generation of the Exodus points to our own failure to be right with God by our own efforts.
In the end, Exodus isn’t simply a character study of Moses. In the book of Exodus, we see the problem of how humanity can be in the presence of a Holy God. This is THE big question- how can we come before God?
We need a better Moses!
ONE that would secure our salvation not simply by leading us- but by dying in our place.